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In our daily lives we are constantly bombarded with sensory information. Whilst carrying out our regular chores and meeting deadlines, we may rarely take the time to appreciate the world around us. Yet as children we stop, look, examine and interpret the details of our surroundings without being limited by adults’ pre-conceived notions. By taking the time to just exist rather than constantly act, we can allow ourselves to notice the unnoticed and, in doing so, escape from the worries and pressures of everyday life. Rather than being swept along in the torrent of our routines and responsibilities, we could slow down from time to time to free our senses, emotions and imagination and could rediscover the wonder in the world that surrounds us.

Observing the overlooked requires a simple creative act of engaging and reflecting on the everyday, giving your mind the freedom to develop personal metaphors. These descriptive devices allow us to transfer characteristics we find in the physical domain into abstract concepts through the recognition of shared properties. Metaphor adds poetry to everyday life, and we can be inspired to use language more expressively through discovery of the overlooked. By truly exploring our surroundings we find our attention is diverted from the chaos of modern life. This can help us to realise more of our own creative potential, and aid communication and understanding.

This series is an exploration of the overlooked using the media of photograms and lumen prints. The subjects presented are all everyday objects which are given new meaning, becoming ambiguous metaphorical symbols though a process of visual exploration. The poetry that evolves from these new meanings can create more complex metaphors. Simply paying close attention to the overlooked is in itself a creative process.

Ed Back

Disconnected and confined to the abandoned shrine.


A sacrament to the deity of progression.


The happening, performance of the dead king.


Shaman and Jinn, protector of this relic.


Reverence to the effigy of those absolved.


Transition of the serpent, an omen this may be.


The chosen dissenter and hysteria of the mob.


From this Spectre, they must escape.  

The discovery of the colony and hieroglyph.


A lucid singularity, the pivotal beginning.


There the monolith, as a sentry it stands.


This body celestial, no portal there lies.


Monument to the ascension of a crystal icon.


Entropy of perception, before the genesis lost.


Here the constellation, an infinite colosseum.


Proposition of a Journey, and specimen there sort.  

Human Made
Ed Back
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